Engaging Families Spring Break 2023

Here in the Engaging Families Lab, we are wrapping up our first week back from Spring Break! This year’s Spring Break was filled with fun and relaxation for us researchers! Here is a snapshot of how we spent our break.

Over the break, Joanna drove to California with her husband and “pawsome” road trip companions, Ellie and Zoe! During their trip, Joanna was able to spend time with her sister, brother-in-law, and their new baby boy! They were also able to celebrate Joanna’s nephew’s 100 days, which is a celebrated Korean tradition. 

Ana Maria spent her spring break relaxing, catching up with work, and spending time with her family. During her break, she took her son on daily trips to the park and went hiking with friends. She also visited the aquarium during her time off.

Sydni spent her spring break relaxing, taking a break from the hectic semester, and hiking with her husband and black lab. 

Over the break, Melissa spent her time hiking and at the beach with two of her best friends! One of her friends came from Chicago and the other from Minnesota, so they all enjoyed the warm weather together!

Bella spent her break relaxing and traveling on a cruise from Long Beach, California to Catalina Island and Ensenada, Mexico. During her trip, Bella loved exploring the port cities, trying new food, and hanging out with friends by the pool. 

Over the break, Vanessa went to San Diego to celebrate her sister’s birthday, and she also helped her sister babysit and made mud cakes with her nephews. She had fun seeing her nephews so happy while creating mud cakes, trying lots of new foods, and visiting coffee shops in San Diego. 

We hope that all of you also had a great spring break! Although we had lots of fun over our break, we are even more excited to get back to researching new ways to engage families!

Best wishes,

The Engaging Families Lab


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ASU fellow helps parents help teens by identifying barriers at home