Research Assistant Opportunities!

About the Engaging Families Lab!

We aim to learn from families to support child and adolescent mental health, specifically through evidence-based interventions. As a lab, we are focused on improving accessibility to these interventions through working with diverse communities.

Currently, some of our projects include our Engaging Families parenting skills practice app, increasing eHealth parenting intervention engagement, and reviewing online motivational interviewing programs.

We are looking for motivated individuals with a love for learning to be a part of the lab! As a research assistant, you would be able to have hands-on experience supporting some of these projects within our lab.

Research Assistant Responsibilities!

Joining the lab as a research assistant (RA) will entail:

  • Attending weekly lab meetings and project-specific meetings

  • Supporting lab projects in various domains

  • Contributing to content for the website and social media

  • Participant recruitment, outreach, and tracking

  • And other tasks as assigned by Dr. Kim

We ask for a commitment of 10 hours a week to the lab. We also ask for a full semester commitment at a minimum.

We also highly encourage RAs to conduct and present research related to the lab’s research under the mentorship of Dr. Kim! This is a fantastic opportunity for strengthening skills and working toward graduate school preparations!

Hear From Current RAs!

RA Accomplishments!

Barrett Honors Thesis Students

We encourage students to apply to volunteer as research assistants as soon as they anticipate they will wish to pursue a thesis with Dr. Kim's advisement.

Before starting an Honors Thesis, students must work at least one semester in the lab and complete the general research assistant application.

Email us at for more information.

Apply to Our Lab!

We are recruiting undergraduate research assistants to support research activities!

Right now, we are especially looking for potential research assistants who are either freshman or sophomore students who can speak and write fluently in Spanish.

Research assistants must volunteer in the lab for at least one full semester before enrolling in PSY 399. Research assistants must also complete a PSY 399 before enrolling in a PSY 499 section.

Email us at for more information and fill out our application: